What's old is new

This is my place to show off the items I would call vintage, things I have either refinished or kept as is and find interesting. I am still a kid at heart bringing home what some might call junk and am always in search of that buried treasure. I am not a picker and I am not a hoarder, working with my hands on my own time repairing or refinishing the things I find brings me peace of mind and time to myself to contemplate whatever has transpired in my life or time to just zone out and concentrate on the task at hand. Some items for sale or possible trade just ask..click on my profile and send me an email.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

KRUG Dining Room Set-He Shoots He Scores

Although not exact like I thought they are close to the stock photo I posted yesterday and all pieces have the KRUG stamp. I saw four of the chairs yesterday that I passed on and the thought of them haunted me for the rest of the day. I got up early and headed back this morning and low and behold they were still there plus two more chairs that were tucked in the corner behind a 1940s china hutch. The woman overseeing the garage/estate sale said there was a table to match but it had sold and was gone but said to look around and maybe I'd find something else so I did and what do you know the table was still there in the basement apartment kitchen/kill zone (area for processing spoils of the hunt i.e. deer) piled high with household items and it wasn't sold. The table has a scissor leaf that folds neatly underneath, overall the set is pretty toasty especially the table that has some minor veneer chips on the skirt, the brass plate feet are good though and the chairs are solid with no veneer. The ladybug fabric is totally getting gone and I'll put on something a little more neutral and appealing to the masses. I paid $65 for all but feel I'll make that back and then some on just the chairs if the table is a lose. I took the legs off so I could get it home and put in basement.


  1. Glad it was all still there. I think you'll make back several times what you paid for it.

    1. What a surprise to spot the other two chairs and the table. I'm pumped to get these refinished and on the sale list, but really want to take my time and do a good job. I'm Super happy with this purchase. This was also the first time I'd been to an onsite estate sale, there was a moment when my girlfriend and I looked at each other and both said "does this feel weird" walking through someone's bedroom rummaging through there personal affects.

  2. My wife and I get a pre-invite to a fair amount of estates that people need to move. These are generally the best picks as you get to see before they offer to the public. I too think you did well with the pricing on this and should do well!! It' definetely worth the time and effort to bring back up to speed!

    1. Thanks to you and Dana for the positive feedback. It's helpful to here from people that are already in the business of reselling antique/vintage items.
